Call (919) 877-5248

2401 Weston Parkway #201,
Cary, NC 27513

Inlays and Onlays

Sometimes, when a tooth suffers mild to moderate damage, a dental filling may not be the right treatment. This is because teeth with very large fillings are prone to fractures. In such cases, the experts at Weston Family Dental may recommend the use of inlays or onlays as restoration options. Inlays and onlays are conservative treatments to cosmetically enhance and repair teeth damaged by trauma or decay or teeth that have large or defective fillings.

Inlay and onlay restorations are custom restorations made of tooth-colored porcelain or composite material. They are made in a dental laboratory and are permanently cemented onto the tooth at our office. Inlays fit between the cusps (points) of a tooth while onlays are used in case of greater damage to cover one or more of the cusps of the tooth.


To make an inlay or onlay, any decay and old fillings are cleaned out before carefully shaping it. An impression will be taken in order to create a perfectly fitted restoration. Once complete, your new onlay or inlay is precisely cemented onto your tooth and adjustments are made to ensure a comfortable bite and proper fit.

Inlays and onlays are a great way to give you a beautiful smile for years to come.

For more information about inlay and onlay restorations and to learn if you are a candidate, please call our office at (919) 877-5248 to schedule an appointment. We are located at 2401 Weston Parkway #201, Cary, NC 27513.



He has over 400 hours of continuing education to provide the best services to his patients.


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Conveniently Located near Bass Pro Shops


Our Happy Patients

"Weston Family Dental always make you feel comfortable! They are awesome with everything! Great customer service and they treat you like family. Dr Patel is amazing! Brenda, Beth and others are nice!"

Melanie Mae

"I took my son for his first dental appointment today. He LOVED it! The hygienist (Tanya) and Dr. Ben were kind, quick and fun. So happy to find a dental office our entire family can go to.

Kaylie Van Galder

"Fast, good and funny. Whole family goes here and all like. Highly recommend"

Kurt Schoenrock


Have Questions? Call Us Now (919) 877-5248 or